Environment created while taking Kevin Griffith's 3D environments for games class at Gnomon. An underwater environment designed from scratch. I learned a lot about the fundamentals of game environments from taking Kevin's class. Kevin is an all around awesome guy who really knows his stuff and I recommend his class.
Additional Screenshots:

The story of this environment is an underwater civilization that has fallen into ruin due to an evil corruption. A malevolent force trapped underneath the throne room of the Ceruleans burst forth from the ground and took over the kingdom, forcing it's citizens to do it's bidding. The brave adventurer journeys to the throne to vanquish the corrupted king, who is symbiotically linked to the king.
Concept Work:

I wanted to create a more original environment and so combined the room with the boss monster, corrupting half of it and put a cool looking crack in the middle of the room, from where the corruption leaked out. You can see images depicting the ceruleans in the fresco etched on the walls. After the class was over a spent a lot of time refining the painting.
2k Main Diffuse texture:

512 Throne Diffuse texture:

512 Additional Diffuse texture:

Trident of destiny:
120 Tris

256 Diffuse:

You can see this sequence and other in my demo reel here: